In the implementation of activities under the project ” Awareness-raising on the Youth Guarantee implementation among young people in Bulgaria” two round tables were held, respectively from South and North Bulgaria. Within the framework of the round tables, experts from the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, the Employment Agency, the Regional Employment Services Directorates, the Labour Office Directorates, nationally representative employers’ organizations and workers’ and employees’ organizations at the local level met with the youth mediators appointed under the National Program “Activation of inactive persons”.
At the round tables the accumulated experience and good practices in the process of identifying, informing and activating economically inactive young people who are not in training or education were discussed. A Guide drawn up by experts from the Employment Agency was presented and discussed at the round tables which purpose is to help youth mediators in their day-to-day work on activating inactive youths and to unify the activities they implement.
The round tables took place in the towns:
- Plovdiv on 30 and 31 March 2017 and
- Veliko Tarnovo on 27 and 28 April 2017