Labour mediation services, offered by the Employment Agency are organised and provided by Labour Office directorates, according to permanent or temporary address of job seekers and without any limitation as to the address of the employers.
Clients of labour offices have access to the following mediation services:
1) informing and/or consulting with regard to:
a) their rights and obligations under the Employment Promotion Act
b) job vacancies and requirements for their occupation;
c) opportunities for participation in employment and training measures and programmes;
d) opportunities for adult training;
e) opportunities for changing a profession and a job outside the place of residence;
е) the conditions and order for work in other countries under intergovernmental agreements and by means of the European employment network (EURES);
2) psychological assistance;
3) motivating active behaviour on the labour market and guiding towards appropriate employment and training programmes and measures;
4) guiding towards adult trainings;
5) guiding and providing support to start working, including in other populated areas in the country or other countries.
Young people can receive information about mediation services, organised and provided by the labour office by the experts in the labour office. They do not have to be registered with the labour office, in order to be entitled to this information.
The mediation services, offered by the labour offices are free of charge to all job seekers!
At the first meeting with the unemployed person the labour mediator from the labour office sets up an individual action plan and profile of the young person, reviewing and assessing his/her skills, needs for training and specific steps are outlined, which are to lead to a successful integration into the labour market. The goal is for young people to receive a good job offer, to continue their education, apprenticeship or traineeship up to four months after they have become unemployed or left formal education. Setting up and implementing the action plan is based on the assumption that job seeking is a bilateral process and requires actions by both the unemployed person and his labour mediator at the labour office. The individual plan includes specific commitments for both parties and failure on behalf of the unemployed person to perform the plan, including with regard to steps towards job seeking, actions and terms may result into suspension of the registration. Persons have the right to register with a labour office again not earlier than 6 months after the previous registration was terminated.
More information about the order, conditions and necessary documents about registration with the Labour Office Directorate can be found at the website of the Employment Agency ( / Section: Job seekers / Information about registration of a job seeker at: (
Contacts with the experts at the labour offices give young people an idea about the labour market – demand and supply. Young people can get acquainted with job vacancies at the labour offices on the information boards. A convenient alternative is the E-Labour office, where information about job vacancies is published, registered at the labour offices throughout the country.
The e-labour office can be found at the website of the Employment Agency: ( / section E-labour office at:
Job vacancies contain no information about the employer and his address. Detailed information about the terms of application can be received from the labour mediator at the labour office. If there is a suitable job vacancy available, the mediator will present it to the young person.
The labour mediator will also give guidance to young people in connection with opportunities to participate in employment and training programmes and measures, adjusted to his/her needs and skills, as well as the order and conditions for working abroad under intergovernmental agreements and by means of the European employment network EURES:
More information can be found in the sections: Employment, Education and training and Mobility.