Enacted are legislative changes that regulate the right of persons in education, who are eligible for unemployment benefits under Article 54a (1) of the Social Insurance Code, to receive the benefit despite the fact that they continue their education.
Young people think that they only can register in the labour office if they are eligible for unemployment benefit?
The registration in the labour office is optional for job seekers. But it is a requirement for entitlement to unemployment benefits. We advise all unemployed young people, including those who do not receive unemployment benefits, to register with the Labour Office Directorate. Upon registration, young people can use a wide range of mediation services depending on their individual needs, towards their successful professional integration into the labour market.
Young people think that job seekers who are currently in employment or education cannot register in the labour office and use mediation services?
Pursuant to the Employment Promotion Act (Article 18 (2)), job seekers can register in the Labour Office Directorates in one of the following groups: 1. Unemployed persons; 2. Employed persons; 3. Students wishing to work during off-study time; 4. Persons who have acquired entitlement to a contributory-service and retirement-age pension, persons receiving occupational pension for early retirement or a contributory-service and retirement-age pension in another country, or a reduced amount of contributory-service and retirement-age pension, who do not work.
Pursuant to Article 19 (2), 2 of the Employment Promotion Act, employed persons and students wishing to work during off-study time can make use of information about announced job vacancies, information and employment mediation services, psychological support and occupational guidance services.
Young people want to receive information about the job vacancies in the settlement of their place of residence without having to go to the labour office every day. How can that be arranged?
Young people can obtain information about the job vacancies announced in the labour offices across the country by visiting the website of the Employment Agency (www.az.government.bg) heading E-Labour Exchange, or (https://www.az.government.bg/bg/ejobs/view_prl/ ). Up-to-date information about labour exchanges organised across Bulgaria by the Employment Agency is available in Agency’s website (www.az.government.bg) heading In Focus, or at (https://www.az.government.bg/).
How can we get in touch with the youth mediator in our town?
Youth mediators are employees of the municipal administrations. Their working place should be in the building of municipality. Accordingly, you should go to the building of the municipality in your place of residence or check in the website of the respective municipal administration under the heading Contacts (sub-heading Information Centre) for the current contact details.